Monday, September 7, 2009

Marketing-Promoting the Gay Agenda?

This May Levi’s launched a White-Knot for Equality campaign to align with its new Memorial Day to Labor Day white clothing line. The White-Knot for Equality is an organization that is pro-gay rights. The symbol is a white ribbon tied in a knot (

Several celebrities have been seen sporting the white knot which prompted Levi’s to ask permission to use White Knots as part of its marketing. Levi’s has also signed on with Logo, a gay cable television station and with the movie, Milk. Levi’s premiered a commercial where a man walks off with a beautiful woman after putting a pair of Levi’s on, and aired an identical commercial where the same man walks off with a hot guy after putting the jeans on.

August 3rd Ron Prentice, executive director of Restoring Marriage and Protecting California Children (www.protectmarriage .com), accused Levi’s of helping to push the gay agenda, asking do they want his money or his vote. Are they selling clothes or gay marriage?

Is Levi’s trying to push the gay agenda, or making good marketing sense?

Campbell’s, Ford, American Airlines, Pepsi, Apple, Ikea, and Chevrolet have all been “exposed” as pushing the gay agenda. This has lead to boycotts and bashing in blogs and forums for organizations like Restoring Marriage and Protecting California Children.

Has it also lead to an increase in sales?

In 2005 the American Family Association boycotted Ford for buying corporate ads in gay publications. Most sources agree that Ford decided to pull the ads, and then reversed their decision, but Ford’s reasons are unclear.

In fact, these kinds of ads have seen a 28% increase in recent years. Which leads me to wonder, are Ford and other companies pushing the gay agenda or trying to increase sales?

G. William Domhoff, Professor of Sociology at UC Santa Cruz states that money rules in America ( So when gays start bringing in the money, regardless of the gay agenda, morals, or conscience, companies will advertise to the LGBTQI population.

As someone once told me, “This is the way capitalism works, if [you] don’t like it, perhaps [you] should explore immigration opportunities in North Korea.”

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